
Friends are ...

As we grow older, it's a goddamn hard to find a truly friend. A friend that will accept you just the way you are, not the way they want you to be. A friend that will support and encourage you when you fall, not criticizing your failure. A friend that will give you advices when you need it, not when you don't ask for it!

After reading Widya's That is what friends are for.., I remember one post from Bunda Nadine that I read couple months ago. She wrote few sentences about the definition of friends. It was a good read indeed. It makes me evaluate my relationship with my friends or with my 'so-called friends'.

Friends, they come and go. Only truly friends stay forever no matter how far the distance between them. Some people can get along with their friends, some got isolated, and some isolated themselves from their friends. I am among the last one. Will you feel pity on me? Well, don't be. I care not to have fake friends who would stab me in the back. I have a family and a life. That's enough for me. I don’t care to make new fake friends. My life is too precious to associate with them.

Seorang teman berkata, "Kamu nanti jadi kuper loh kalau mengisolasi diri." Hari giniii ..! Internet bisa membuka jendela dunia mana pun yang kita mau. Malah, lewat internetlah aku bertemu dengan teman-teman yang mengasyikkan. Salah satunya adalah Elsye dan Desy, yang dengan baik hati memberiku Tag di samping ini. Makasih ya, Say. Maap baru diambil sekarang Tag-nya :).

Eniwei, sebenernya agak bingung ngerjain Tag-nya. Gimana nggak bingung, urutannya cuman nama-nama doang, tanpa menyertakan link-nya. Padahal disuruh menyertakan link juga. Well, it's not important. Yang penting, aku ingin memberi Tag ini ke beberapa orang di bawah ini. Nggak perlu ikutan dikerjain kalo nggak mood :). I just want to let you know that I have carved your names in my heart.

  1. Neno, Beby, Savic, Hengki, aku nggak bisa menulis banyak tentang kalian. But, you guys are part of my golden memories. Aku beruntung sekali mengenal kalian.
  2. Fanny, Dinar, Ipoet, makasih udah sharing tentang perkembangan anak-anak kita di milis. Gue kangen saat-saat kita cetting di Yahoo Conference. Kalian telah membuat gue tersenyum & tertawa di "waktu pagi" gue. I wish I had more times...
  3. Lyna, nggak terasa kita udah hampir 2,5 taon berteman tanpa bertemu muka :). Makasih udah ngabisin batere telpon gue ya...wakakakak. You are my only 'Click' friend in Germany.
  4. Rita Bellnad, makasih udah memberiku inspirasi membikin bento untuk anakku. You are a talented bento's maker :).
  5. Retno, makasih udah memberiku kepercayaan untuk mengakses blog mbak Retno. Anytime you need help, you can count on me!
  6. Dwiana, I looveee your pictures! It gives me inspirations and ideas. And for that, I thank you!! Dwi, sebaiknya kita sharing ide bersama daripada bawa tu' ide ke mimpi masing-masing....wakakakak.
  7. Sefa, makasih udah memberiku informasi yang berguna tentang fotografie. Kapan-kapan kita hunting foto bareng yuuuuukkkk (ps: buat Dwiana, jangan ngiri ya. Abis tempat lo jauuuhhh banget, Bu...hehehe).
  8. Ayin, makasih udah sering nemenin begadang :). Jangan kapok ya kalo aku lagi nggak bisa tidur malem.
Selesai deh tugasku. Buat nama-nama yang aku sebutin di atas, ini aku persembahkan mawar kuning buat kalian.


Klik untuk rincian Tag-nya ...

Dear Friends and co-bloggers lets play-game-tag to tag- “pass it to the front” Here are the Rules :
* First copy and paste it.
* Do not remove any content.
* Just add One word related to your blogs.
* If you don’t like the concept Pls! say no?
* Our main goal is we are going to circulate our number of friends.
* The more people join the “pass it to the front” the more links we generate.
* Lastly write only one word “short” for your blogs…
* Keep it simple and short,i know some of you have more than one blogs.
* The color is only black, gray, or white plssss avoid using any color okies.

Let me show you :1.-Filipina,2.-Stories,3.-Abroad,4.-Husband,5.Gagiers, 6. Life 7. Everything, 8. Offer, 9. Moments, 10. Journey, 11. Simple 12. ABaLe 13. Eucalyptus 14. Greiche (Gege) 15. Wilda 16. Truly 17. Debbie 18. Febrie 19.Indah 20. Titi 21.Vivi 22.Ira 23.Susan 24. Widi 25.Ary 26.Judith 27.Lidia 28. Shinta 29. Umi Rina 30. Rosy 31. Iboe Nug 32. Pippi - dapurpippi 33. HerBlog 34. Mae 35. Widya 36. Elsye 37. Desy 38. Sheila

Posted by Sheila at 12:52 AM |